Budget Planner enables you to manage your incomes and expenses as they come. This app helps you to keep track of your expenditures and earnings and manage your money more effectively. It gives you clear idea to take better steps and actions when you want to buy something but not know whether you can afford it. Use it to get updated with your current balance as well as how much you have to pay before the end of the month.
Set your financial goals and manage the expenses categories for any period. You can keep the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and half yearly, yearly plan for reference. It takes almost every expense into account that may occur such as credit cards, loan repayments and transportation, fuel, grocery. Through this app you can work out on your money or cash flow. It gives you red indication if you are spending more than you can afford. The app can be used to keep yourself updated with current finances in hand and getting better surplus.
Check your incomes and expenditures as they come and save. You can start with fresh budget by starting from initial (zero or surplus). Through this app you can work out on your money or cash flow. The reset option allows you to restart from scratch just on a tap. It shows you the surplus with red indication, if you are spending more than you can afford.
Main highlights and features
✔ Reset option allows you to restart from scratch, just on a tap.
✔ No registration required.
✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.
✔ Give the incomes, expenses and balance on starts up..
✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values and display results.
✔ Rate and share options.
✔ Compact and easy to use.
✔ Simple Design.
✔ Record your incomes and expenditures.